Thursday, August 15, 2013

LED Lights and HPS Lights: Which is Better?

Experienced Indoor Gardeners already know about the best grow lights to improve their gardening experience. If you are looking at the best lights for indoor gardening, you will be looking at LED grow lights and HPS lights. It is true that these types of lightings are beneficial when compared with traditional lighting but they have their own differences that you need to know about. Here is a simple comparison about LED Grow Lights and HPS lights.

Life Span of Grow Lights
Well, you are investing a lot of money on these garden lights so it makes perfect sense that you always look at the life span of the garden lights. If you are talking about the price of Grow Blu LED lights, they are two times more expensive than the HPS lights. It is true that HPS is cheaper than LED grow lights but the life span of LED lights is longer compared to HPS. A common HPS only lasts for about 10,000 to 20,000 hours, while the best LED grow lights can last for about 50,000 to 75,000 hours. It will last 3 times longer compare to HPS. If you compare their life span, you can say that 3 HPS lights are equivalent to 1 LED light.

Temperature of Lights

Though some people say that HPS lights are the same with incandescent lights, they are better in every aspect. However, the temperature that they offer is just the same so water evaporation inside the garden is higher. If you are using an LED grow light, you will surely notice that the lights are still cool even if it is already running for several days. Compared to HPS, LED lights do not produce a lot of heat on the garden so the evaporation of water is reduced. Lower temperature can also prevent the burning of your plants because of too much heat. This is the reason why people invest on LED grow lights instead of spending a lot of money on HPS lights.

Light Spectrum of Garden Lights

The light spectrum of HPS is actually the same with incandescent bulbs and most of the lights that they produce cannot be used by the plants so they are wasted. Actually, LED lights provide a better lighting facility because 95 percent of the lights that they produce is usable for the growth and development of the plants. A lot of LED grow lights review said that this is probably the best choice when it comes to indoor gardening.

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